From Fernando Pozuelo Landscaping Collection, we want to emphasize our collaboration with the Plantamos Árboles Association, which, to date, has managed to donate 139,515 trees… and continues to increase thanks to the dedicated and meticulous work of a group of committed individuals actively engaged with Nature and the Environment. They selflessly contribute their ideas, experiences, knowledge, and time in a comprehensive, transparent, and helpful manner.
“Donating trees is donating life.”
It’s surprising that several adult trees provide a person with all the oxygen they need throughout their life.
Incredible, right?
Therefore, it’s clear that without trees, humanity has nothing. From Fernando Pozuelo Landscaping Collection, we find this initiative worthy of promoting.
The Plantamos Árboles Association poses a reflection:
“We are the fruit of a small seed planted fifty years ago by a grandfather in front of the curious eyes of his grandson.”
After collecting the seeds in the fall, planting and caring for them, and then transplanting them once grown, the Plantamos Árboles Association decides to donate the trees to people who will plant and care for them and remain true to the association’s mission, which focuses on ensuring the tree reaches adulthood.
After 30 years of individual and collective work, 4 awards, and multiple collaborations with educational centers, schools, towns, institutions, the Retiro Park in Madrid, the Book Fair, and the Firefighters Help Association, the Plantamos Árboles Association is a worthy example of dedication, perseverance, and passion for Nature.
Therefore, from Fernando Pozuelo Landscaping Collection, we want to applaud their work and reinforce their message. Our mission to recover the value of the classic garden, linking that wisdom with the challenges of the 21st century, such as sustainability and the need to find a human urbanism that allows people to reconnect with nature, is essential for the conservation of our green environments.