In his landscaping blog, Fernando Pozuelo, drawing from years of experience, observation, and reflection, highlights that “nature has the ability to offer multiple benefits to humanity, and often we forget about it. Sometimes, the places where we spend the most time in our daily lives, such as our homes or even workplaces, are devoid of green spaces. However, we can adapt them to include natural elements that allow us to foster that much-needed connection.”
But what if our homes are distant from parks or landscaped areas? The expert shares landscaping tips that can be implemented indoors. Discover which plants are most suitable for balconies, terraces, or windows, and how to create a small green space in your living room:
Evoke a Landscape from Your Window:
– Placing pots on windowsills helps visualize vegetation from inside the house.
– Plants like Geranium and Chrysanthemum (perennial shrubs) or Begonia and Pansy (seasonal) are easy to maintain and adapt well to the changing climatic conditions of cities. Their vibrant flowers or even their aromas create a sense of well-being.
Subtle Forests on Balconies:
– Supplementing balconies with shrubs contributes to the idea recommended by the 3-30-300 rule.
– Enhances mood, dampens city noise, and reduces stress levels caused by urban sounds.
– Species like Conifers (such as Pinus Mugo), various types of Juniper, like Chinensis, or domestic Nandina (also known as sacred bamboo) are commonly used for designing miniature forests. Japanese Maple is recommended for deciduous forest landscapes, particularly in shaded areas.
Include Plants Inside for Well-being:
– Pothos, Sansevieria, or Spider Plant are hardy indoor plants with air-purifying capabilities.
– They create a clean environment, helping to reduce tension and stress, fostering a sense of well-being.
– Plants like Mint or Spearmint can be grown indoors, contributing to activating metabolism.
Fernando Pozuelo emphasizes the importance of integrating nature into our living spaces, whether through window plants, balcony greenery, or indoor foliage, to enhance our overall well-being.