The landscape influences the development of individuals who interact with it, to the extent of conditioning their lives and strongly impacting cultural and economic aspects.
Throughout history, humans have tried to shape the landscape to adapt it to their way of life, leading to the conception of different types of landscapes and having a significant impact on the environment. In this regard, landscaping has much to contribute as a discipline that encompasses the planning, management, conservation, and rehabilitation of a space. Beyond being an aesthetic resource, it has become an essential tool for its conservation. This is where the role of a landscapist comes into play, as our work involves shaping the landscape and enhancing its benefits for all those who enjoy it.
Concerning the uses of the landscape, it is crucial to carry out proper planning that allows us to act responsibly and establish regulations capable of governing actions on it. This aims to promote its conservation and minimize the impact on nature, always considering that the landscape must adapt in some way to the circumstances of each moment.
When we talk about circumstances, we cannot forget the importance of the natural landscape as an antidote to the so-called nature deficit disorder, something we have been advocating for a long time but now makes more sense than ever. The solution to this disorder, primarily experienced in cities as they are disconnected from the natural environment, involves greening the cities. This can be achieved through the use of the so-called fifth facade (roofs or terraces that allow the installation of a green cover), biophilic work inside buildings, and landscaping of outdoor spaces and common areas in large cities.
However, we are living in a paradigm where this is not enough, as the landscape and nature seek to become that place where we can find our balance again. This has a direct connection to our well-being, including our blood pressure, anxiety levels, and stress. Therefore, we must not only bring nature closer to cities but also approach it ourselves.